SEP Admin

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Start-Up Visa Program

Immigrant entrepreneurs who are innovative and can create jobs in Canada and compete on a global scale may apply for Canada’s Start-Up Program. To be eligible for the Start-up Visa, the following are required from the applicants: A qualifying business A letter of support Proof of language competency Settlement money…
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Updated Test Requirements for Travellers

From February 28, no quarantine will be required from fully vaccinated travellers coming to Canada holding an approved antigen test (taken at most 24 hours before arrival) and from children who are not vaccinated. Also, no quarantine time is required while waiting on the results of tests upon arrival. PCR…
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Protected Persons and Permanent Residence

In this article, some frequent questions regarding Protected Persons who want to apply for permanent residence in Canada will be answered. Who is considered a Protected Person? If the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) of Canada determines that a person needs protection or if a convention refugee received a positive…
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Immigration Backlog Is Easing, Finally!

Skilled work visas, processed in the last two and a half months, were more than what was processed in the year 2021 and that’s really good news! Data released by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), reveals that between December 15, 2021, and February 28, 2022, the Federal Skilled Worker…
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What Is Admissibility Hearing?

What is admissibility? It means an individual may enter or stay in Canada. What is inadmissibility? It means an individual cannot enter Canada and must leave if they are already in the country. Who may be ordered to appear before the Immigration Division for an admissibility hearing? If the Canada…
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