
16 Previously Ineligible Occupations Have Become Eligible for Express Entry

16 Previously Ineligible Occupations Have Become Eligible for Express Entry

With the new TEER categories, effective November 16th, 2022, the following occupations became eligible for Express Entry: Payroll administrators Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants Sheriffs and bailiffs Correctional service officers…
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Canada Express Entry Draws in 2022

Canada Express Entry Draws in 2022

Canada’s Express Entry draws were paused in December 2020 and continued for 18 months. On July 06, 2022, the all-program draws were resumed which has allowed Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to work towards its pre-pandemic targets of Express Entry invitations. Although candidates were disappointed to see the CRS…
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2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan

2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan

Canada’s plan for the next three years is to help businesses find workers in order to tackle the critical labour market shortages. Canada aims to welcome 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025 Let’s take a look at the 2023 Immigration Levels Plan target…
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4 Key Canadian Immigration Pathways In 2023

4 Key Canadian Immigration Pathways In 2023

Provincial Nominee Programs in 2023 Since PNPs are crucial to helping Canada address specific labour market needs, in 2023 Canada is going to welcome just under 23,000 more PNP immigrants than Express Entry candidates. Express Entry in 2023 As of the first quarter of 2023 IRCC is expected to introduce…
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Fraud Targeting Newcomers

When you first come to Canada, you may not be aware of how businesses or the government work. On the other hand, many fraudsters are aware of this matter and may want to make you the target of their scams. Below, you can learn how to not fall prey to…
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A Surprise Express Entry Draw

A surprise Express Entry draw was held on January 18 and 5,500 candidates were issued invitations. The minimum CRS score was 490. For this round of invitations, candidates were invited from all the programs under the Express Entry system: Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the…
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Increasing Chances To Get Study Permit Approval

1. You must be eligible. To be eligible, you must: – Obtain a LOA (Letter of Acceptance) from a DLI (Designated Learning Institution). – Prove that you have sufficient financial support. This includes the amount you need to cover the first year of tuition, living expenses and return transportation to…
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