SEP Admin

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New Express Entry Draw

924 PNP candidates were invited to apply for permanent residence on March 16. Only PNP candidates were invited in this round, with a CRS score of at least 754, meaning without the PNP nomination, the lowest score was 154. Why choose us? We have been helping many applicants to become…
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FSWP and CEC Invitations

While IRCC has not decided on its Express Entry plans for this year yet, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said the draws would resume shortly. FSWP and CEC candidates can expect positive changes, and the IRCC is planning to resume invitations this year and will review FSWP applications more quickly. Before…
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A Negative COVID-19 Test Is No Longer Needed

Vaccinated travellers do not need to show a negative COVID-19 test to enter Canada, beginning April 1. Vaccination requirements are still in place for people entering Canada, with very few exemptions for Ukrainian citizens, temporary foreign agricultural or food industry workers, and people who regularly cross the border for work.…
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Canada Is to Welcome Thousands of Immigrants

During the summer of 2022, Canada will welcome over 500,000 newcomers including immigrants, international students, and temporary foreign workers. The government is aiming to land about 432,000 new permanent residents this year. Up to 270,000 international students can be expected to arrive this summer. Over 100,000 work permits are likely…
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