
a calendar that shows the 1st of July and four Canadian flags on top

Sponsorship Program of Canada – 2021

A Concise Look Into the Sponsorship Immigration Process According to the Canadian immigration system, sponsorship is a process through which Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the opportunity to sponsor their family members, who have been living in different countries, to Canada. The list of the members of your family…
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track your application

You Can Now Track Your Application!

IRCC announced that they have launched an application tracking system for PNP and Express Entry candidates. These candidates can now monitor the progress of their applications at every stage and are notified of any updates to their profiles. The status tracker will allow candidates to monitor their applications and get…
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five Canadian dollar bills on a VAT invoice

A Summary of PNP Activity Across Canada in 2021

What are Provincial Nominee Programs? In short, PNPs enable Canadian territories and provinces to nominate candidates who are seeking permanent immigration to Canada. PNPs are comprised of two forms: Base nominations Enhanced nominations. Because they are administered by the provinces, base nomination streams operate independently of the Express Entry system.…
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a red leaf on a blue background

Border Change

As of September 7, 2021, fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be allowed to enter Canada for discretionary travel. Travelers are no longer required to book a 3-night hotel stopover when entering Canada. Exemptions for Fully Vaccinated Travelers Those who qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption are exempt from quarantine…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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