
Express Entry: The Third PNP Draw in a Row

Express Entry: The Third PNP Draw in a Row

Canada held an Express Entry draw on October 13, for candidates with provincial nominations, to apply for PR. IRCC issued 681 invitations to candidates who had scores of at least 720. All invited candidates had received 600 points as a result of a nomination from a PNP, so without the…
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a middle-aged lady and man high-fiving behind a desk

Good News for New Workers May Be Coming Up

Ontario’s minister of labour, Monte McNaughton is asking for changes in the law targeting immigrants who are trying to work in regulated occupations in Ontario. If the new legislation comes into effect, big changes will occur for workers. The Ontario government wants to; Ease the licensing requirement for workers Remove…
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the middle line of an airplane with people watching programs on the screen

New Details on Travel Vaccine Requirements

Starting October 30, travelers who are 12 years and older need to be fully vaccinated for domestic or international travels. Those who are not vaccinated and the result of their test is positive while traveling, are not allowed to continue their travel or return to where they departed from, unless…
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IRCC Has No Plans To Cancel Express Entry Applications

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser explained on January 20, that despite speculations on social media, permanent residence applications which are already submitted will not be cancelled and refunded. The Canadian government has recently allocated an additional $85 million to reduce the backlogs in immigration processes. Regarding Fraser’s explanation, IRCC is looking…
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