
border measures

New Border Measures!

From November 30, travellers to Canada, aged 12 years and older, have to prove they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Also, fully vaccinated travellers (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) who will be returning within 72 hours are no longer required to do a molecular test for COVID-19 in order to…
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Approved Vaccines in Canada

All travellers, essential or non-essential, have to be fully vaccinated to enter Canada, starting January 15, 2022. The final dose must have been received by the travellers at least 14 days before entering Canada. However, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will not be denied returning to Canada. But they will…
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Another PNP Record

1,036 candidates were invited to Canada’s new Express Entry draw on January 19. The candidates were only from the Provincial Nominee Program with a minimum total score of 745. Up until now, in 2022, 1,428 PNP candidates were invited through Express Entry. Why choose us? We have been helping many…
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Changes to NOC 2021

Changes to NOC 2021

What is NOC? National Occupational Classification (NOC) system is used to classify jobs (occupations). Jobs are grouped based on the type of: job duties work a person does The 4-skill type category known as NOC A, B, C, D will be replaced by the TEER system. These changes will be…
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Staying In Canada Beyond Your PGWP

Staying In Canada Beyond Your PGWP

To stay in Canada after the end of the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), there are no extensions but there are immigration options. A Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) can be obtained when applying to specific immigration programs. By BOWP, an individual can work in Canada even after the expiry of…
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citizenship applications can now Be submitted online

Citizenship Applications Can Now Be Submitted Online

Applicants who have representatives can apply online for citizenship, however, representatives cannot apply on behalf of the applicants. Applications need to be completed, signed, dated and submitted by the applicants and representatives are able to give advice and help to complete the forms and communicate with IRCC. In 2022, IRCC…
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