
a man dressed in white, holding a woman with long hair on the beach

Spousal Sponsorship News

Canada always values family reunification and tries hard to let permanent residents and Canadian citizens sponsor their spouse or common-law partners. Not only, the opposite-sex partners can apply to sponsor their spouse or common-law partners, but also, same-sex couples can apply under this program. If you would like to sponsor…
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the Canadian flag folded on the top left corner with a text in the bottom right corner saying "express entry to Canada"

Express Entry: CRS Drops to 469

This year, the CRS requirement has typically been above 470 for all program draws. But the Express Entry cut-off score dropped to below 470 for the first time this year. That being said, based on November 25 invitation round, candidates needed a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of at least…
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Planet earth on the right with a pointer, pointing at Canada

French-Speaking and Bilingual Candidates Will Receive Additional Points Under Express Entry

On October 27, 2020, Canada Immigration announced that French-speaking and bilingual candidates will receive additional points under the Express Entry system. This change will help deliver on the government’s commitment to reach the target of 4.4% French-speaking immigrant admissions outside Quebec by 2023. While French-speaking immigration to Canada outside of…
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CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

What is the Canadian Experience Class? This program is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents. What are the minimum requirements for this program? having language levels needed for your job for each language ability having at least 1 year of skilled work…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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