SEP Admin

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The First Express Entry Draw Since 2020

For the first time since December 2020, Canada invited a total of 1500 FSWP (Federal Skilled Worker program) candidates on Wednesday, July 7. As Canada’s Immigration Minister had promised earlier this year, the first Express Entry draw was finally resumed. Furthermore, CEC (Canadian Experience Class) draws which were paused in…
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Will Express Entry System Change?

The short answer is yes! According to Sean Fraser, Canada’s Immigration Minister, the Express Entry system needs to change to meet the economic needs. He believes that IRCC should focus on bringing people who match the needs of the Canadian economy. This means that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)…
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Good News for PGWP Holders!

If your PGWP expired or will expire between September 20, 2021, and December 31, 2022, you may be able to get a new one or extend it. International student graduates who studied eligible full-time programs can normally get an open work permit for up to three years. However, the great…
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Are Application Backlogs going to be reduced?

Sean Fraser, Canada’s Immigration Minister announced that IRCC will be hiring 1250 new employees to decrease the backlog. Also, this will help IRCC to process new applications faster and as a result application wait times will be reduced. In addition, a new website has been launched by IRCC which allows…
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