Who Is Your Common-Law Partner?
Your common-law partner is someone who
isn’t legally married to you
can be either sex
is 18 or older
has been living with you for at least 12 continuously
How to prove my common-law partner and I have been together for 12 months?
The items below can be used to prove your common-law relationship:
shared ownership of residential property
joint leases or rental agreements
bills for shared utility accounts, such as:
joint utility accounts
Driver’s licenses or insurance policies for both of you showing the same address
What are my obligations if I sponsor my common-law partner?
As a sponsor, you must sign an undertaking (the period of time when you as a sponsor is financially responsible for the person you sponsor), promising to give financial support for the basic needs of your spouse or partner and their dependent children.
What do basic needs mean?
everyday living needs such as food, clothing, shelter, etc.
health needs that aren’t covered by public health services such as dental care, eye care, etc.
What if the person/people I sponsor ask the government for financial help?
If the person you sponsor receive social assistance, you’ll have to pay back what they received during the time you are legally responsible for them.
Keep in mind that you won’t be able to sponsor anyone else until you’ve repaid the amount.
What is the length of undertaking?
3 years from the day your common-law partner becomes a permanent resident.
Why choose us?
We have been helping many applicants become permanent residents for years and have a high success rate. Our clients from almost 20 different countries have experienced this with us and you can be the next successful. We know how to prepare documents and how to make your immigration process smooth and easy for you. Contact us HERE to start the process today!
If you are not a Canadian Permanent Resident yet and you are not sure what the best way for you to immigrate to Canada is, please fill out our assessment form HERE and we will get back to you with your possible options.