
a wooden stamp laid on a red passport

Processing Changes for Visas Due to COVID-19

Ottawa, April 10, 2020—With the current travel restrictions in place, most foreign nationals are prevented from entering Canada, with some exemptions. With these restrictions, Canada is suspending processing of non-essential visitor visa applications. This allows Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to focus resources on critical services. This suspension also…
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six people holding each other's wrist in a way that forms a hexagon

Update on the 2020 Parents and Grandparents Program

Ottawa, March 27, 2020—Due to the current focus on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will delay the opening of the 2020 Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program to accepting new applications.The launch of the annual call for expressions of interest to apply was anticipated in…
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funds for express entry

Proof of Funds for Express Entry Applicants

Proof of funds is one of the requirements for Canadian Immigrants from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to determine whether the applicants have sufficient funds to stay and live in Canada while supporting their family members. Furthermore, this money does not include equity on properties and also it can…
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two people holding hands in a way that forms the shape of a heart

Sponsoring Common-Law Partners to Canada During Coronavirus

Canada’s travel restrictions to stop the spread of coronavirus do not extend to immediate family members, including common-law partners.For the purposes of immigration, Canada defines a common-law partnership as two people who have lived together for one year in what the government calls a “conjugal relationship,” or a “marriage-like” relationship.…
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financial aid options for international students

Financial aid options for international students

In Canada, financial aid plays a significant role in post-secondary education. Financial aid is so important to post secondary education that Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) publishes an annual report on the work and outcomes of the Canada Student Financial Aid (CFSA) program. According to ESDC, “close to 542,000…
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Start-Up Visa Program

Immigrant entrepreneurs who are innovative and can create jobs in Canada and compete on a global scale may apply for Canada’s Start-Up Program. To be eligible for the Start-up Visa, the following are required from the applicants: A qualifying business A letter of support Proof of language competency Settlement money…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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