SEP Admin

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FSWP and CEC Draws Will Restart in Early July

FSWP and CEC invitations will resume by early July. That’s a great announcement for Federal Skilled Worker Candidates and Canadian Experience Class applicants. Since December 2020, no Express Entry draws for FSWP candidates have been held. Also, CEC draws have been paused since September 2021. But the great news is…
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Medical Inadmissibility

Medical Inadmissibility

People applying to visit, study, work or live permanently in Canada can become inadmissible based on 3 possible Medical reasons: Being a danger to public health: Your application may be refused if your Immigration Medical Exam shows that your health condition will endanger Canada’s public health; you may have certain…
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Major Changes To Expressss Entry Are On The Way!

Major Changes To Express Entry Are On The Way!

The government of Canada is planning changes to the Express Entry system. These changes will allow IRCC to select the candidates based on language skills, occupation or education which would support Canada’s economic goal. However, the proposal is still being discussed in the Canadian Parliament. The changes would allow focusing…
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CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

What is the Canadian Experience Class? This program is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents. What are the minimum requirements for this program? having language levels needed for your job for each language ability having at least 1 year of skilled work…
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