SEP Admin

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the Canadian flag on top of a green hill

Canada’s Economic Recovery

Statistics show that Canada’s employment rates in June were increased, but it is still far from the pre-pandemic level; this reflects the economic condition in Canada in mid-June. B.C., Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia were the four province that showed employment growth in June More than 200,000 job losses have…
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a family of 6 standing together and smiling

Parents and Grandparents Program 2021 for Canada

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will hold a lottery on September 20, 2021. Those who won the lottery will be sent an invitation in two weeks. Lottery winners after receive their invitation will have two months to submit their sponsorship applications to the Canadian government. Parents and Grandparents Program…
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an Olympia typewriter with the word "Update" typed on a sheet of paper

New Open Work Permit for TR to PR Applicants

IRCC announced the great news on July 15, 2021 for individuals who have applied for the new Temporary to Permanent Residence program. Beginning July 26, 2021, these individuals will be eligible for an open work permit while awaiting the results of their application. The pathway program was opened on May…
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