Canada Processes Work Permits Faster For TV And Film Workers

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Canada Processes Work Permits Faster For TV And Film Workers

Some of the most popular films and TV series have been filmed or partly filmed in Alberta, such as Interstellar, Ghostbusters, Fraggle Rock, The Last of Us, and Fargo.

Alberta has recently announced further investment in Film and TV business. $70 million for the Film and Television Tax Credit Program from 2022 to 2023 and $225 million from 2024 to 2025 are included in Alberta’s budget, meaning more opportunities for the province. Alberta aims to reach $1.5 billion in the film sector by 2032.

A work permit class has been designed to let production staff and Film crewmembers work in Canada. An essential staff may be exempt from LMIA. “Essential” can be interpreted widely, on a case-by-case basis.

Those workers who need an LMIA may be granted an expedited process, with no need to advertise the position.

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