
Citizenship Application

Citizenship Application What is a Citizenship Application? A citizenship application is a formal request submitted by a permanent resident who wants to become a Canadian citizen. This process is regulated by the Citizenship Act, which sets out the criteria and procedures applicants must follow.  Citizenship provides various rights and privileges,…
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Self Employed

Immigrate to Canada as a Self-Employed Person The Self-Employed Persons Program offers a pathway for individuals with experience in cultural or athletic fields to immigrate to Canada permanently. Although applications were paused on April 30, 2024, it’s important to understand how the program works for future opportunities.  The program focuses…
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Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa Canada A visitor visa, also known as a temporary resident visa, is required to enter Canada for short-term stays such as tourism, family visits, or business. The type of visa you need depends on the purpose of your visit. Whether you’re visiting for leisure, seeing family, or conducting…
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Refugee Appeals

Refugee Appeals in Canada How to Appeal Refugees in Canada? If you disagree with a decision on your refugee claim, you can appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD), provided you meet eligibility criteria. The process is as follows: File a notice of appeal within 15 days of receiving the…
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Refugee hearings

Refugee Hearing What Happens at a Refugee Hearing? A refugee hearing is a crucial step in your claim for protection. The hearing typically lasts half a day and takes place in private to safeguard your and your family’s safety. The process begins with the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) member introducing…
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Canada Refugees Refugee Protection in Canada   Seeking asylum in Canada is a legal process available to individuals who fear returning to their home country. Common reasons include facing torture, threats to life, or cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.  If you are already in Canada, you can submit a claim…
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Express Entry Draws

Express Entry Draws Express Entry draws are a central component of Canada’s immigration system. They determine which candidates will be invited to apply for permanent residence in the country.  The process is managed through a points-based system known as the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), where candidates in the Express Entry…
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Federal Skilled Worker

Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is a primary route for skilled individuals seeking permanent residency in Canada. Managed through the Express Entry system, it is designed for candidates who have the necessary foreign work experience, skills, and education.  For individuals looking to understand more…
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Ontario Job Offer Stream

Ontario Job Offer Stream What is the Ontario Job Offer Stream? The Ontario Job Offer Stream, particularly the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream, provides foreign workers with a valid job offer in a skilled occupation the chance to apply for permanent residency in Ontario.  This stream targets positions classified…
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Ontario Express Entry Stream

Ontario Express Entry Stream The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) is the province’s economic immigration program and works in partnership with the federal Express Entry system. The OINP helps foreign workers, international students, and skilled individuals apply for permanent residency in Ontario. There are three key streams you can apply…
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