
PR Renewal

Permanent Residence Renewal What Happens When Your Permanent Resident Card Expires? When your permanent resident (PR) card expires, your status as a permanent resident in Canada remains unaffected, meaning you can stay in the country. However, certain provincial services may require you to present a valid PR card, depending on…
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Parents Sponsorship

Parents Sponsorship Canada The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) is a pathway for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to bring their parents and grandparents to Canada as permanent residents. This initiative is part of a broader scope that includes various forms of sponsorship, such as Family Sponsorship Canada which focuses…
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Ontario Graduate Stream

OINP Masters Graduate Stream What Is the Ontario Master Graduate Stream? The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) Masters Graduate Stream is a specialized immigration pathway designed to help international students who have successfully completed a master’s degree from an eligible Ontario university.  This program allows them to apply for permanent…
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Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) was launched in 2007. It allows Ontario to nominate skilled workers, international graduates, and entrepreneurs for permanent residence. The program addresses labor shortages, attracts investment, and helps newcomers integrate into the province. Originally, OINP could only nominate 1,000 applicants, but…
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Bridging Open Work Permit

Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) Canada The Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) is designed to allow foreign nationals who are in Canada to continue working while their permanent residence (PR) applications are being processed. If you’re considering other options like the Post-graduation Work Permit (PGWP), this article provides useful insights.…
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Post-graduation work permit (PGWP)

Post Graduation Work Permit What Is a Post-Graduate Work Permit? A Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) allows international students who have completed their studies at a participating Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable work experience in Canada. If you are considering different work permit options, understanding the requirements for a variety…
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Spouse Open Work Permit (SOWP)

Spouse Open Work Permit The Spouse Open Work Permit (SOWP) is an opportunity for spouses and common-law partners of certain individuals in Canada to work legally while they wait for their permanent residency. This permit is part of Canada’s immigration policy aimed at keeping families together during the immigration process.…
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Humanitarian and Compassionate

What Are Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Reasons? Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) reasons are special considerations for individuals seeking permanent residency in Canada who may not qualify through other immigration programs.  This route is intended for exceptional cases, where applicants face serious challenges that justify an exemption from standard immigration requirements.…
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Agri-food Pilot

Agri-Food Pilot What Is the Agri-Food Pilot? The Agri-Food Pilot is a special immigration program in Canada. It offers a pathway to permanent residence for experienced, non-seasonal workers in specific sectors. These sectors include meat processing, mushroom production, and greenhouse crop production, among others. The program aims to fill labor…
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Caregiver Program

Caregiver Program Canada Canada’s caregiver program offers a pathway for individuals to work and live in Canada by providing essential care to children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. The program has recently introduced new pilot initiatives to make the process smoother and provide permanent residence upon arrival for eligible caregivers.…
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