Ontario Graduate Stream

OINP Masters Graduate Stream

What Is the Ontario Master Graduate Stream?

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) Masters Graduate Stream is a specialized immigration pathway designed to help international students who have successfully completed a master’s degree from an eligible Ontario university. 

This program allows them to apply for permanent residency in Ontario, even if they don’t have a job offer at the time of application. This stream is a significant advantage for recent graduates who may still be in the early stages of their job search or wish to remain in Ontario to further their careers and contribute to the local economy.

Unlike many other immigration streams that require a valid job offer as a prerequisite, the OINP Masters Graduate Stream focuses on the applicant’s education and their intent to settle in Ontario. 

The stream is part of Ontario’s broader strategy to retain international talent educated within its borders. By doing so, the province aims to bolster its workforce with skilled individuals who are already familiar with its culture and economy. 

The program is not only about retaining talent but also about enhancing the province’s economic prospects by ensuring that educated individuals have a clear path to stay and contribute long-term.

The process begins with the applicant applying through the OINP. If they meet the eligibility criteria, they may receive a provincial nomination, which then allows them to apply to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residence. 

This two-step process ensures that only those who are genuinely interested in living and working in Ontario and who meet all the necessary criteria are given the opportunity to make Ontario their permanent home.

OINP Masters Graduate Stream Qualification and Requirements

To qualify for the OINP Masters Graduate Stream, applicants must satisfy several stringent criteria, each designed to ensure that the program attracts only those individuals who are well-suited to contribute to Ontario’s economy and social fabric. Below are the detailed requirements:

Educational Requirements:

Applicants must have completed the requirements for a master’s degree from one of the eligible Ontario universities. This completion must have occurred within the last two years before applying. The focus on recent graduates ensures that the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies are current and relevant to the job market.

The program must be a full-time course of at least one academic year. This condition ensures that the degree represents a significant educational achievement and that the applicant has had adequate exposure to the rigors of graduate-level education.

Residency and Application Timing:

Applicants must apply within two years of receiving their master’s degree. For instance, if the degree was awarded on June 1, 2023, the applicant must apply no later than June 1, 2025. This timeframe allows graduates to consider their options but ensures that their connection to Ontario remains strong.

At the time of application, the applicant must be legally residing in Ontario or outside of Canada. Applicants in implied status (i.e., those who have applied for an extension of their status and are awaiting a decision) are also eligible to apply.

Language Proficiency:

Language proficiency is crucial for success in Ontario’s multicultural environment. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English or French, with a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 7 or above in all four areas: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. This proficiency ensures that the applicant can effectively engage in the workplace and contribute to their community.

Proof of Funds:

Applicants must have sufficient funds to support themselves and their dependents during their settlement in Ontario. This can be demonstrated through various means, including bank statements, proof of income from employment in Ontario, or a valid job offer. The proof of funds requirement is based on family size, similar to the requirements under the Express Entry system. For instance, a single person must show a minimum of $14,690, while a family of four would need to demonstrate $27,297. These funds must be readily accessible and not borrowed.

Connection to Ontario:

Applicants must show that they have lived in Ontario for at least 12 of the 24 months preceding the application. This requirement demonstrates a clear intention to make Ontario their permanent home. Additionally, applicants must provide evidence of their intent to reside and work in Ontario, which can include job applications, employment contracts, or housing arrangements.


The program excludes individuals who are currently pursuing further studies, unless these studies are required for licensure in a regulated occupation in Ontario. This rule ensures that the program targets those who are ready to enter the workforce rather than those who are using the stream as a means to further their education.

Eligible Universities:

Only graduates from certain Ontario universities are eligible. 

These institutions include the University of Toronto, McMaster University, Queen’s University, and others recognized for their academic excellence. This criterion ensures that the degree is from a reputable and recognized institution, further validating the applicant’s qualifications.

How to Apply for OINP Master Graduate Stream

The application process for the OINP Masters Graduate Stream is conducted online through the OINP e-Filing Portal. It is crucial to prepare thoroughly before starting the application to ensure all necessary documents are ready and meet the program’s requirements. Here is a detailed guide on how to apply:

Pre-Application Preparation:

Before starting the application, potential applicants should review the program’s eligibility criteria and gather all necessary documents. This includes proof of graduation, language test results, and proof of funds. Checking the document checklist provided by OINP is essential to ensure that no critical documentation is missing.

Online Application:

The application is completed online via the OINP e-Filing Portal. Applicants can work on their application over multiple sessions but must submit it within 14 days of starting the registration. The application process is designed to be straightforward, but applicants should be meticulous in ensuring all information is accurate.

Document Submission:

All required documents must be uploaded to the portal. These documents must be clear, legible, and, if necessary, translated into English or French. 

Translations must be done by an accredited translator or notarized if an accredited translator is not available. This step is crucial, as incomplete or unclear documents can lead to delays or rejection.

After Submission:

Once submitted, the application cannot be modified. Applicants will receive confirmation and can monitor the status of their application through the portal. If the OINP requires additional documents during processing, applicants should provide them promptly to avoid delays.


If the application is successful, the applicant will receive a Nomination Approval Letter and an OINP Certificate of Nomination. These documents are critical for the next step in the process, which is applying for permanent residence.

Applying for Permanent Residence:

Successful nominees must submit their application for permanent residence to IRCC within six months of receiving their nomination. The application must include the Nomination Approval Letter and the OINP Certificate of Nomination.

It is important to note that while the OINP nomination is a significant step towards permanent residency, it does not guarantee approval by IRCC.

OINP Master Graduate Stream Fee

The fee for applying to the OINP Masters Graduate Stream is $1,500. This fee is required for the processing of the application and is non-refundable, even if the application is unsuccessful. In addition to the application fee, applicants should also budget for other potential costs, such as fees for language testing, document translation, and notarization.

Language testing fees can vary depending on the test provider and location, while translation and notarization fees depend on the complexity and volume of the documents. It is advisable for applicants to plan these costs in advance to avoid any financial strain during the application process.

The proof of funds requirement also implies that applicants should have enough financial resources not only for the application process but also for their initial settlement in Ontario. The cost of living in Ontario, as with other parts of Canada, can vary, but having a solid financial base will make the transition smoother.

For personalized guidance on navigating the OINP Masters Graduate Stream or any other immigration pathway, SEP Immigrants is here to assist you. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your goal of becoming a permanent resident of Ontario. Contact us today to start your application process and take the next step toward a bright future in Canada.

The time it takes to obtain permanent residency through the OINP Masters Graduate Stream can vary depending on several factors, including the volume of applications and the completeness of the documentation submitted. After receiving a provincial nomination, it generally takes several months for the IRCC to process the permanent residence application.

No, an Ontario Graduate Certificate is not equivalent to a Master’s degree. The OINP Masters Graduate Stream specifically requires applicants to have completed a master’s degree from an eligible Ontario university. Graduate certificates, while beneficial for professional development, do not meet the educational requirements of this stream.

Admission to a Master’s program in Ontario can be competitive. Requirements typically include a strong academic record from undergraduate studies, relevant work or research experience, and proficiency in English or French. Some programs may also require a research proposal or letters of recommendation. The level of competition can vary depending on the program and the university.

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