Family Sponsorship Canada

Family Sponsorship Canada

If you want to bring your loved ones to Canada, the family sponsorship program can help. It allows eligible Canadians and permanent residents to sponsor their spouse, partner, or dependent children to become permanent residents. This program includes various options, such as Sponsorship for spouses, partners, or dependents.

As a sponsor, you’re responsible for supporting your family members financially and ensuring they won’t need any social assistance from the government.

Sponsoring family members comes with a few steps and conditions. Here’s what you need to know about the process, the requirements, and how long it takes.


How to Get Family Sponsorship in Canada?

To sponsor a family member, you need to meet a few key requirements. You must be at least 18 years old and either a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or registered under the Canadian Indian Act. If you’re living outside Canada, you must prove that you’ll move back once your sponsored family members become permanent residents.

The sponsorship process involves two applications. First, you apply to sponsor your relative. For instance, if you’re considering Common-Law Sponsorship, you’ll need to meet specific eligibility criteria. At the same time, the family member you’re sponsoring applies for permanent residence. Both applications must be submitted online. Afterward, there are a few steps that involve submitting biometrics, medical exams, and police certificates, as required.


How Long Does It Take to Sponsor a Family Member in Canada?

The time it takes to sponsor a family member depends on the type of relative and the complexity of the case. Generally, it can take anywhere between 12 to 24 months for a family sponsorship application to process. 

Applications like Dependent Sponsorship might have different processing times. This time frame includes the time needed for the sponsored person to provide biometrics, undergo a medical exam, and submit police certificates.

If any additional documents are needed, this could delay the process. It’s important to keep up with the application and respond to any requests promptly.


What Are the Requirements for a Family Visa in Canada?

There are specific requirements for both the sponsor and the sponsored family member. As the sponsor, you must prove that you are financially capable of supporting the person you’re sponsoring. 

However, for spouses, partners, and dependent children, there usually isn’t a strict income requirement unless they have dependents themselves. For instance, Parents Sponsorship has its own set of income requirements and documentation.

The sponsored person must submit various documents, including forms, biometrics, and medical exams, to prove they meet eligibility criteria. Additionally, they must not be inadmissible to Canada due to criminal records or other issues.


How Much Income Do You Need to Sponsor Your Family in Canada?

Income requirements vary depending on the number of people you’re sponsoring and your family size. For 2023, the minimum income for sponsoring two people is $44,530. This amount increases with each additional family member. For example, if you’re sponsoring five people, your minimum income must be at least $75,384. These income levels are adjusted yearly.

If you live in Quebec, different rules apply. The process might differ slightly if you’re considering Relative Sponsorship Canada, as provincial regulations can vary. The Quebec government assesses your financial capacity after the federal government approves your sponsorship. You must also submit three years’ worth of tax assessments to meet income requirements, unless special conditions (like COVID-19 benefits in 2021) apply.


Why wait any longer to reunite with your loved ones? At SEP Immigration, we’re here to help you through every step of the family sponsorship process. Let us guide you through the forms, requirements, and everything else you need to successfully bring your family to Canada. Reach out to us today and get started!

To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years old and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. You can sponsor your spouse, partner, dependent children, and in some cases, other relatives like parents or grandparents.

No, only certain family members such as a spouse, partner, or dependent child can be sponsored. Friends are not eligible to sponsor each other under Canada’s family sponsorship program.

The fees for sponsoring a spouse or partner start at $1,205. If you’re sponsoring a dependent child, the fee begins at $170. Additional costs may apply for biometrics, medical exams, and police certificates.

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