Dependent Sponsorship

Child or Other Dependant Sponsorship

Sponsoring a dependent child to Canada provides an opportunity for families to be reunited and thrive together. For those interested in more information on this, you might find the article Common-Law Sponsorship helpful. Whether the child is biological or adopted, the goal is to bring them to Canada as permanent residents. 

This program allows the child to live, study, and grow in a nurturing environment with their family. As a sponsor, you need to meet specific eligibility criteria and demonstrate your ability to support the child financially and emotionally throughout their transition to life in Canada.

Dependent Child Sponsorship Requirements

To be eligible to sponsor a dependent child, certain criteria must be met to ensure both the sponsor and the child can comfortably adjust to life in Canada:

  • Age and Status: The sponsor must be at least 18 years old. They need to be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act

If living outside Canada, the sponsor must plan to return when the child becomes a permanent resident. For a broader understanding of sponsorship options, you might want to check out Family Sponsorship Canada.

  • Financial Responsibility: Sponsors should not be receiving social assistance, except for reasons related to a disability. You must be capable of providing for the child’s basic needs, which include housing, food, clothing, and healthcare that isn’t covered by public health services.
  • Undertaking: The sponsor must sign an “undertaking” which commits them to be financially responsible for the child. This includes not only day-to-day expenses but also repaying any social assistance the child might receive during the sponsorship period. 

The duration of this commitment is 10 years or until the child turns 25, whichever comes first for those under 22 years of age. For dependents over 22, the period is three years.

  • Child’s Eligibility: The child must be under 22 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship. If the child is 22 or older, they must have been financially dependent on the sponsor due to a mental or physical condition since before the age of 22. 

Additionally, if you have more family members to sponsor, you should read Parents Sponsorship for more insights.

Dependent Child Sponsorship Minimum Necessary Income

Interestingly, for dependent child sponsorship, there is usually no minimum income requirement. This is also a key point discussed in the Relative Sponsorship Canada page. This aspect of the program is designed to prioritize family reunification, acknowledging that the best environment for a child is with their family members. However, an income requirement applies if:

  • You are sponsoring a dependent child who has one or more children of their own.

In such cases, you must prove that you have enough financial resources to support all individuals involved. The income level is determined by factors like the total number of family members and the province where you live. This ensures that the child and any accompanying dependents can be adequately cared for without the need for social assistance.

How to Sponsor a Child or Multiple Children in Canada

The sponsorship process for bringing a child to Canada involves several steps. For a comprehensive overview of sponsorship in Canada, the Sponsorship page can offer further guidance. Here’s how to navigate it:

  1. Obtain an Application Package: Start by downloading the application package from the Canadian government’s immigration website. This package includes all the necessary forms and an instruction guide to help you complete the process accurately.
  2. Pay the Application Fees: You will need to pay fees associated with the application. These include the processing fee for all individuals listed in the application, the Right of Permanent Residence Fee, and the biometric fee if applicable. Keep your payment receipt as it will be part of your application submission.
  3. Submit Your Application: Follow the guidelines provided in the instruction guide to submit your application. Ensure that all forms are filled out correctly and include all required documents to avoid delays in processing.
  4. Provide Supporting Documents: After submitting your application, you may be asked to provide additional documents to support the sponsorship. This could include proof of relationship, evidence of financial capacity, and any other documents requested by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

If you are residing in Quebec, there are additional requirements. You must apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (QSC) and sign an undertaking with the province of Quebec. This involves a commitment to provide for the child’s needs and potentially reimburse any social assistance they receive. 

The duration of the undertaking in Quebec varies depending on the child’s age, so it’s important to understand these specific requirements.

Ready to bring your child to Canada and start a new chapter together? Let SEP Immigration guide you through the sponsorship process. With our expertise, we make sure every step is handled with care and precision. Contact us today to begin your journey towards reuniting your family in Canada.

A dependent child must be under 22 years old and not married or in a common-law relationship. For those 22 or older, they must be unable to financially support themselves due to a mental or physical condition and have relied on their parents since before turning 22.

If you need to add a dependent after submitting your application, you should promptly notify IRCC. Provide documentation that proves the relationship and any other necessary details. This process may require additional forms, fees, and adherence to specific guidelines set by IRCC.

Processing times can vary based on several factors, including the application’s completeness and the IRCC’s workload. On average, it takes around 8 to 12 months to process a dependent child sponsorship. Delays can occur if additional documentation or clarification is needed.

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