CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

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CEC: Canadian Experience Class (Express Entry)

What is the Canadian Experience Class?

This program is for skilled workers who have Canadian work experience and want to become permanent residents.

What are the minimum requirements for this program?

  • having language levels needed for your job for each language ability
  • having at least 1 year of skilled work experience in Canada, in the last 3 years before you apply
  • have gained your work experience by working in Canada legally

Can I apply for the Canadian Experience Class if I am a refugee claimant in Canada?


Can I apply for the Canadian Experience Class if I worked in Canada without an authorization?


What if I worked as a self-employed?

Self-employment doesn’t count toward the minimum requirements for this program.

Is there any education requirement for this program?

No, but if you want to improve your rank in the Express Entry pool for immigration purposes, you can provide your Canadian certificate, diploma or degree or Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from a designated organization showing that your education is equal to a completed certificate, diploma or degree from a Canada.

How long is my language test result valid?

For 2 years after the date of the test result and must be valid on the day you apply for permanent residence.

Can I apply to the Canadian Experience Class program from outside of Canada?


Do I need proof of funds for this program?


Will part-time work experience during my full-time studies in Canada be counted toward the one-year requirement?

No. work experience must be gained after graduation.

Can I apply for CEC if I have already applied for permanent residence as a skilled worker?

Yes, but you need to submit a new application with new fees.

Applicants can apply simultaneously for two different streams of the Economic Class.

How can I improve my Express Entry CRS score?

There are different ways to improve your CRS score:

  • if married, list your spouse or partner as the principal applicant if they have a higher CRS score
  • retake a language test to get a higher score
  • apply for an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) if you have obtained eligible foreign education
  • Try to obtain an eligible job offer from an employer in Canada.

We at SEP Immigration have helped hundreds of skilled workers and students to successfully obtain permanent residence in Canada through the CEC program. Our immigration experts will help you take the proper steps to successfully get your permanent residence in Canada.

Call our immigration consultants if need legal assistance. You can also book a one-on-one zoom session and ask any immigration-related questions you may have.

Why choose us?

We have been helping many applicants to become permanent residents for years and we have a high success rate. Our clients from almost 20 different countries have experienced this with us and you can be the next successful one. We know how to prepare documents and how to make your immigration process smooth and easy for you. Contact us HERE to start the process today!

If you are not a Canadian Permanent Resident yet and you are not sure what the best way for you to immigrate to Canada is, please fill out our assessment form HERE and we will get back to you with your possible options.

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