
Major Changes To Expressss Entry Are On The Way!

Major Changes To Express Entry Are On The Way!

The government of Canada is planning changes to the Express Entry system. These changes will allow IRCC to select the candidates based on language skills, occupation or education which would support Canada’s economic goal. However, the proposal is still being discussed in the Canadian Parliament. The changes would allow focusing…
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an over-sea bridge with the Canadian flag on the right

Asylum and Immigration Law

Canada as a liberal and rich country is a popular destination for many immigrants and asylum seekers from all over the world every year. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act requires that every person wants to enter Canada must appear for an examination at a port of entry to determine…
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a person typing and pointing at their computer with cyber security logos in the foreground

Prevent Immigration Fraud

Beware of These 20 Tricks Used by Unauthorized Immigration Consultants! Keep in mind that ICCRC is not currently authorized to follow-up the cases related to unlicensed immigration consultants but it is currently sharing complaints with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). It can sometimes…
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a man in a suit holding up a badge with the Canadian flag on it

Express Entry for Skilled Workers

For those who wish to become resident in Canada through Regular Skilled Worker Program (QSWP), Quebec has proclaimed an update on Express Entry. A new immigration program will help those who are eligible through a more expedient immigration process towards Canadian permanent residence. The new Express Entry program will manage…
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"Canada" as a monument in an airport

Canada Express Entry Draw

The Express Entry draw takes place approximately more than one time a month among immigrants who apply for Permanent Residency. For example, the last express entry draw #200 was conducted on August 5th, 2021 among 3000 applicants. The new Express Entry program will manage applications for permanent residence for immigrants…
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a Canadian passport held in front of the Canadian flag

Upcoming Border Changes

The 3-night hotel stopover requirement will be eliminated for all travelers arriving by air after 12:01 A.M. EDT on August 9. The Government of Canada is prioritizing the health and safety of everyone in Canada by taking a risk-based and measured approach to re-opening borders. If you are traveling to…
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an overview of Toronto from atop water

Canada Tourism News – August 2021

Although there are still some restrictions, those applicants who wish to enter Canada will be reviewed case by case in terms of records, vaccination status as well as reasons for traveling Canada. For example, if you have a criminal record, you will not be probably granted for entry by the…
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the Canadian flag on top of a green hill

Canada’s Economic Recovery

Statistics show that Canada’s employment rates in June were increased, but it is still far from the pre-pandemic level; this reflects the economic condition in Canada in mid-June. B.C., Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia were the four province that showed employment growth in June More than 200,000 job losses have…
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