SEP Admin

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funds for express entry

Proof of Funds for Express Entry Applicants

Proof of funds is one of the requirements for Canadian Immigrants from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to determine whether the applicants have sufficient funds to stay and live in Canada while supporting their family members. Furthermore, this money does not include equity on properties and also it can…
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financial aid options for international students

Financial aid options for international students

In Canada, financial aid plays a significant role in post-secondary education. Financial aid is so important to post secondary education that Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) publishes an annual report on the work and outcomes of the Canada Student Financial Aid (CFSA) program. According to ESDC, “close to 542,000…
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a girl, standing in the middle of woods with the Canadian flag wrapped around her

How Can I Improve My CRS Score for Express Entry?

To enhance your CRS score for Express Entry and increase your chances of qualifying for immigration, it is important to understand the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) and implement strategies to improve your score. The CRS score is the basis for selection in Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP). Although…
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caribbean nations family

How Caribbean nations can apply for sponsorship

Due to the numerous requests we’ve received, we’ve opted to provide you with some information regarding the conditions and procedure of sponsorship for the Caribbean. The process of applying for a partner visa in a Caribbean country can vary depending on the specific country you’re referring to, as each country…
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