Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) was launched in 2007. It allows Ontario to nominate skilled workers, international graduates, and entrepreneurs for permanent residence. The program addresses labor shortages, attracts investment, and helps newcomers integrate into the province.

Originally, OINP could only nominate 1,000 applicants, but by 2024, this number grew to 21,500 nominations, more than double from 2022’s allocation of 9,750. The program consists of enhanced streams, aligned with the federal Express Entry system, and base streams, where candidates apply directly to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).


OINP Qualification and Requirements

To qualify for OINP, applicants must meet specific requirements depending on the category and stream. Ontario has three main categories:

Human Capital Category:

This includes skilled workers, French-speaking skilled workers, tradespersons, and international graduates. To qualify, applicants must:

  • Have at least one year of full-time, paid work experience.
  • Hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD degree.
  • Have language proficiency, with a minimum score of CLB 7 in English or French, depending on the stream.
  • Have a valid Express Entry profile for Express Entry-linked streams.

Employer Job Offer Category:

Applicants must have a full-time, permanent job offer from an eligible Ontario employer. Requirements include:

  • A job that meets wage and skill level standards.
  • The employer must meet specific business standards.
  • Divided into streams for foreign workers, international students, and in-demand skills.

Business Category:

Entrepreneurs looking to start or buy a business in Ontario must meet financial and business experience criteria:

  • The net worth and investment required depend on the business’s location (higher for the Greater Toronto Area).
  • Candidates must have experience managing a business and be ready to create job opportunities for Canadians or permanent residents.
  • All applicants must show proof of settlement funds. For example, a single applicant needs $14,690, while a family of four requires $27,297. These funds must be readily available and cannot be borrowed.


Benefits of OINP

OINP offers several significant advantages:

Enhanced stream applicants receive an extra 600 CRS points, boosting their chances of getting an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. This is a key benefit for those who meet Express Entry requirements.

Even for base stream applicants not linked to Express Entry, OINP offers a direct path to permanent residence through nomination.

Ontario is a top destination for newcomers, offering abundant job opportunities, high-quality education, and accessible healthcare.

Additionally, entrepreneurs benefit from Ontario’s dynamic economy. The Regional Immigration Pilot, for example, supports entrepreneurs setting up businesses in smaller communities, which helps spread growth beyond the major cities.


How to Apply for OINP

The application process for OINP depends on the stream, but here’s a general guide:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the requirements for the stream you want to apply to.
  2. Create a Profile: Register for an account on the OINP website, create a profile, and submit your application.
  3. Upload Documents: Provide all necessary documents, such as proof of work experience, education, language proficiency, and settlement funds.
  4. Wait for Nomination: If your application is successful, you’ll receive a Nomination Approval Letter and an OINP Certificate of Nomination via email.

For enhanced streams, once you receive the nomination, you’ll get an extra 600 CRS points in your Express Entry profile. For base streams, you will apply directly to IRCC for permanent residence, using the Nomination Approval Letter as part of your application.


How Long Does OINP Take

Processing times for OINP applications vary by stream. Typically, applicants can expect:

  • Graduate streams: 30 to 60 days.
  • Employer-driven streams: 60 to 90 days.
  • Business streams: Processing times depend on the complexity of the application.

Several factors can cause delays, such as incomplete applications, missing documents, or high demand. It’s crucial to submit accurate information and all required documents to avoid slowing down the process.


What Happens After Getting an OINP Nomination?

After receiving a nomination, the next step is applying for permanent residence. For enhanced stream applicants, the nomination will automatically appear in your Express Entry profile. You must accept the nomination to get the extra 600 CRS points, which almost guarantees an ITA in the next draw.

Once you receive an ITA, you can submit your application for permanent residence through the Express Entry system. The federal government will then review your application, making the final decision on whether to approve permanent residence.

For base stream nominees, after getting the OINP nomination, you’ll need to submit a paper application to IRCC. The process is slower than the Express Entry system, but a provincial nomination still significantly improves your chances of obtaining permanent residence.


If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey to Ontario, SEP Immigrants can guide you through the OINP application process. We provide personalized support to ensure you meet all the program’s requirements and help you navigate the path to permanent residency. Reach out to us today for expert assistance with your OINP application.

It usually takes 6 to 8 months to process permanent residence applications through Express Entry after an OINP nomination. For base stream applicants, the process may take longer.

While success rates vary by stream, OINP generally has a high success rate due to its clear requirements and structured application process. The large increase in nomination allocations also improves the chances of acceptance.

Yes, applicants must show they have enough money to support themselves and their families. The required amount depends on family size, starting at $14,690 for a single applicant.

Yes, OINP requires a minimum score of 6 on the IELTS General Test for each competency (listening, reading, writing, speaking), with CLB 7 needed in many streams.

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