Express Entry

Express Entry Canada

Express Entry is Canada’s online system for managing immigration applications from skilled workers. It covers three main programs: the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

Express Entry stands out as a highly favored route for those eyeing Canadian immigration. Its widespread appeal owes much to its user-friendly process and swift outcomes. This system serves as an attractive pathway, especially for skilled professionals seeking permanent residency in Canada. Let’s take a closer look at what Express Entry Canada entails.

What is Express Entry Canada?

Express Entry is Canada’s system to manage applications from skilled workers seeking permanent residence. It includes the Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Worker Program, and Federal Skilled Trades Program. If you’re eligible, you could also apply for a Provincial Nominee Program to boost your chances.

For example, many candidates improve their chances of selection by applying through the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP), a popular stream for skilled workers.

Successful candidates are admitted into the Express Entry pool and ranked using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). CRS operates on a points-based system adopted by the government to evaluate and prioritize candidates within the Express Entry pool.

The scoring in Express Entry Canada is determined by various factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and other pertinent criteria. Roughly every two weeks, the Canadian authorities select candidates with the highest CRS scores from the Express Entry pool and extend an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency in Canada.

How to Apply to Express Entry Canada (Step-by-Step)

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Use the online tools to see if you qualify for any of the programs.
  2. Calculate Your CRS Score: Estimate your score using the CRS tool.
  3. Gather Documents: Get your language tests, work experience proof, and other required documents.
  4. Create Your Profile: Fill out the online profile to enter the pool of candidates.
  5. Receive an Invitation: If your score is high enough, you’ll get an Invitation to Apply (ITA).
  6. Submit Your Application: Complete and submit your application within 60 days.

Candidates in Ontario may also qualify for the Ontario Express Entry Stream, which gives additional pathways for immigration.

Invitation Process

If your Express Entry profile has a high score, Canada may invite you to apply for permanent residency. Additionally, a Canadian province you’ve applied to may also extend an invitation for their Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

When you receive an invitation, you must accept it to proceed with your permanent residency application. If the program you’re invited to be your first choice, you have the option to decline it. However, declining means you’ll need to reapply, submit your profile again, and await another invitation.

Couples applying together receive fewer points compared to single applicants. However, the points deducted for being married can be offset by the points earned by the spouse. For example, if the spouse has language proficiency or educational qualifications, these points can balance out the deduction.

Our Advice: For those intending to marry, we recommend that the primary applicant initiates an Express Entry profile. After receiving an invitation and submitting the necessary documents, they can proceed with the marriage and add their spouse to the file within the 60-day period allotted for document preparation and submission. This ensures that they can benefit from adding their spouse without losing any points, albeit it might slightly extend the file review process.

Gathering Necessary Documents

To complete your process, you’ll need to collect and send several important documents. These include:

–        Personal identification documents (like ID card, photo, national card, marriage certificate, discharge or exemption card, etc.)

–        ECA report (validates educational credentials for immigration to Canada)

–        Letter of job offer from a Canadian employer (if applicable)

–        Valid documentation of work experience in Canada

–        English or French language proficiency certificate

–        Certificate of good conduct

–        Financial capability certificate

–        Educational certificates

–        Valid passport

–        Medical assessment

After Receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA)

After receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA), you’ll need to pay additional fees

It’s important to note that these fees are subject to change and may vary based on individual circumstances. Additionally, some applicants may be exempt from certain fees. Always refer to the official immigration website or consult with an authorized immigration consultant for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

receiving an invitation to apply (ITA)

Types of Express Entry Programs

In the realm of Canadian immigration, Express Entry encompasses various programs tailored to the diverse expertise levels of professionals. These programs, also known as economic immigration pathways, play a crucial role in attracting skilled individuals who contribute to Canada’s economic growth. Let’s explore the four main programs within Express Entry:

1. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)

The FSWP targets skilled workers from around the world who possess the qualifications and experience to meet Canada’s labor market needs. This program evaluates candidates based on factors such as education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

2. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)

Designed for skilled tradespeople with experience in specific occupations, the FSTP facilitates the immigration of individuals who can fill shortages in Canada’s skilled trades sector. Eligible occupations include industrial, electrical, construction, and maintenance trades.

3. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

The CEC caters to individuals with previous work experience in Canada, such as international students or temporary foreign workers. This program acknowledges the valuable contributions of individuals who have already established themselves within the Canadian labour market.

4. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

The PNP allows Canadian provinces and territories to nominate individuals who meet their specific labour market needs and economic priorities for permanent residency. Each province or territory operates its own PNP stream, tailored to its unique requirements and industries.

These programs vary in their application prerequisites, focusing on language proficiency, eligible occupations, and work experience. Understanding the distinctions between them is essential for prospective immigrants navigating the Express Entry system. Stay tuned for in-depth articles on each program, available on our website.

Calculate Your Canada Express Entry Points Online

On the official website of Canada’s immigration authority, there’s a handy tool for estimating your Express Entry points. Just enter your details into the tool to get an idea of your score. Click “Calculate Canada Express Entry Points” to access the tool.

Express Entry Eligibility

To be eligible for Express Entry, you must qualify under one of these programs:

  • Canadian Experience Class: For those with recent Canadian work experience.
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program: For workers with foreign or Canadian experience who meet education and other criteria.
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program: For qualified tradespeople with a job offer or certificate of qualification.

Additionally, the Ontario Job Offer Stream is another option for those with job offers in Ontario, further increasing your chances of success.

Recent Express Entry Invitations

Date: April 11, 2024

Immigration Program: Occupations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Invitations Issued: 4,500

Minimum CRS Score: 491

Date: April 23, 2024

Immigration Program: All Programs (General)

Invitations Issued: 2,095

Minimum CRS Score: 529

Date: April 24, 2024

Immigration Program: French Speakers

Invitations Issued: 1,400

Minimum CRS Score: 410

Express Entry Requirements

You’ll need:

  • Language test results (IELTS, TEF, etc.)
  • Proof of work experience
  • Educational credentials (with an Educational Credential Assessment if outside Canada)
  • A valid passport
  • Additional documents as per the program requirements

Recent Updates on Canada’s Express Entry

Starting from early summer 2023, targeted draws within the Express Entry system have prioritized individuals fluent in French or with work experience in specific sectors. These sectors include health, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, as well as technical occupations like carpentry, plumbing, contracting, transportation, and agriculture and food industries.

Our advice:  is to pay more attention to improving proficiency in the French language. Recently, French proficiency has become advantageous for many applicants as it often requires a lower CRS score. This is especially beneficial for those with lower scores due to factors such as age or other deficiencies. We highly recommend focusing on French language skills to enhance your chances of success in the Express Entry system.

Tips to Boost Your Express Entry Canada Points

Understanding the Express Entry scoring system is key to realizing your dream of permanent residency in Canada. Take these steps to increase your Express Entry Canada points and improve your chances of success:

–        Improve your language test results.

–        Gain more work experience.

–        Enhance your educational qualifications.

–        Apply separately if both you and your spouse are strong candidates, then register each other as accompanying partners.

–        Secure a job offer from a Canadian employer.

–        Consider applying for a Canadian provincial program.

–        Explore opportunities to work or study in Canada.

Express Entry Fee

The fees for Express Entry are:

  • Main applicant: $1,525 CAD (including the right of permanent residence fee)
  • Spouse/partner: $1,525 CAD
  • Dependent child: $260 CAD per child

You may also need to pay biometrics fees, which cover fingerprinting and a digital photo.

All Things About Score for Canada Express Entry

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores candidates based on:

  • Core Factors: Age, education, language skills, and work experience.
  • Spouse Factors: Your spouse’s education, language skills, and Canadian work experience.
  • Skill Transferability: Combines education, foreign work experience, and Canadian work experience.
  • Additional Points: For things like a provincial nomination, a job offer, or French language skills.

The maximum score is 1,200 points. Securing a nomination from a program like the Atlantic Pilot Program could add up to 600 points to your CRS score, significantly increasing your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply.

Need help with your Express Entry application? 

Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in achieving your immigration goals.

How Long Does Canada Express Entry Take?

Most Express Entry applications are processed within six months or less after submission. Processing times can vary depending on the program and additional requirements.

Is Express Entry Permanent Residency?

Yes, Express Entry is a pathway to permanent residency in Canada if your application is successful and you meet all the criteria.

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Ontario Job Offer Stream

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